Team Toledo was the brainchild of Don Briggs: Ironman 1984. He and a group of like-minded friends called themselves “Team Toledo.” Joyce (Payne) and Jim Donaldson met Don and became involved with the group in 1984. Team Toledo was formally organized by Joyce and Jim Donaldson in 1985, making it one of the oldest clubs in the country. The first official meeting of the Team Toledo Triathlon Club (known as Team Toledo) occurred in April 1985.
The original statement of purpose read as follows: “The purpose of Team Toledo shall be to promote the sport of Triathlon, to project a positive image of the sport in our community, to bring triathletes together, to promote good sportsmanship, well-being and fellowship among triathletes, to help and encourage other people to join Team Toledo, to promote triathlons in general, and to educate the public to its benefits.”
Team Toledo has grown from 53 members in its first year to 400 members today, making the club one of the largest in the US.